Saturday 22 September 2012

Spagetti with groundbeef sauce

This is a very easy to prepare recipe, for either lunch or super. All you will need is,
Ingredients for the Sauce:
 2 cups lean ground beef'
1 medium sized onion chopped
1tbs vegetable oil
2tbs tomato paste
1tsp seasoning salt
1/4tsp thyme
1/2tsp curry
1 small size bouillon cube( optional)
1/8tsp hot Pepper(optional)
Ingredients for spaghetti:
Whole wheat spaghetti
1/4tsp of salt
broccoli and cauliflower(optional)
On a high heat saute the onion using the oil until it is golden brown, lower the heat to medium, then add the ground beef, mix the two together, so that the beef will not  turn lumpy on you.When the beef is completely broken up and light brown, add the tomato paste and mix it in properly. Go ahead and add the last five ingredients, allow to simmer for 5-10 minutes,turning from time to time to avoid burning. Last but not the least, you taste for salt, and the sauce is ready.
Cook the spaghetti according to the manufacturer's instruction, add the veggies just before the spaghetti is done,then serve. 


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