Saturday 29 September 2012

Spicy Grilled Chicken

Spicy Grilled Chicken

 Winter is on its way, so there is need to spice things up, to help keep our body heat at its best, for fighting infections . To do this all you will need is:

3 medium size chicken legs
2tsp seasoning salt
1clove of garlic(grated)
1tbsp grated onions
1/2tsp curry
1/4tsp thyme
1tsp grated ginger
1/4 tsp black pepper or grated jalapeno pepper(depending on how hot you want it)

First and foremost, wash the chickens, put them in a clean bowl. Mix all of the ingredients in a different bowl. Thoroughly rub the mixture on the chicken one after the other, remember to use something to protect your hands, if you are using jalapeno.
Wash your hands afterwards, cover the chicken and put away in the fridge for at least 11/2 hours. This will allow the ingredients to penetrate well into the meat.

Set the grill on high, transfer the chicken to the oven pan,put the chicken on the lower part of the oven, and grill the first side for 20minutes and the other side for 10 minutes. Bring the pan out, and cover the chicken with a foil, reset the grill to low, and grill for10-15 minutes or until its water runs clear when pierced with a fork.
Allow to cool for about 10 minutes still covered before serving. Remember it is important to take off the back for a healthy feeding.This will help you loose some weight, or maintain your current weight. Enjoy!

Friday 28 September 2012

Afro-caribean Moi-Moi

This an Afro-Caribbean recipe that will blow your mind. It will transform your view about black-eyed beans, most especially if you are bored with the regular method of eating beans. Quite delicious and healthy too.

11/2 cups black-eyed beans

Black-eyed Beans
 1tbs tomato paste
1 large onion
1small seedless jalapeno pepper
1 garlic clove
3small cubes of bouillon, (knorr or Maggi)
(or 1cup chicken/ beef/veggie stock)
1 tsp seasoning salt
1 small sized cup of corned beef or 1cup of shrimp(optional)
1/2 cup ground crayfish(optional)

For packaging:
aluminium foil or bowls or small sized plastic plates
aluminium foil purse


How to peel and wash beans:
Soak the beans in a Luke-warm water for about 5-10 minutes, then wash to remove the back. Separate the back of the beans completely from the beans. Then soak the cleaned beans in Luke-warm water for about 3 hours.

 Making the aluminium foil:
While waiting for the beans to soak, go ahead and make the aluminium purse about 5 of them, just like the one above. (Cut a piece of aluminium foil, fold, and seal the edges by folding them in for at least 3 times)

Transfer the beans to a blender ( I would divide the beans in half to be able to blend well),add the pepper,garlic, 11/2cups of water and onion, blend till its very smooth and creamy. Transfer to a clean bowl,crush the bouillon cubes into it. Stir in, the ground crayfish, and either shrimp or crumble the corned beef into it, if that is what you are using. Stir in the rest of the ingredients. Make sure the consistency is medium or you can always add more water if too thick. Taste for salt.

*If you are using stock, be careful with the quantity of water you will add for the blending, so that it will not be too watery*.

Once you start mixing the ingredients in, put a clean pot on the stove, on medium high heat and add about 2 cups of water in it ( more water will be added later if needed).
When the mixture is ready, measure about 1- 11/2 cups of the mixture into each of the foil purses, depending on the sizes you made, and seal completely. Put into the pot directly as you seal. Cook(steam) for about 45minutes to 1 hour, check the pot from time to time to add more water to avoid burning,When the cooking time is complete, open one of the purses to check if it is actually done. It shouldn't have raw taste.

Cool completely before serving. Cheers!

Tuesday 25 September 2012

whole wheat chocolate cookie

I came up with this recipe because I'm among the group of people who loves to eat cookies, but after eating it, reality would set in, I would begin to calculate how much sugar that I had loaded into my system. So, I decided to replace some of the ingredients with better alternative,eg whole wheat flour and fruit sauce which are high in fibre and antioxidants, where used to replace all purpose flour and brown sugar, adding whole wheat to my diet has helped me to manage my weight.

This recipe is a guilt-free recipe. An excellent way to get  some fibre into your diet. High in vitamins, and will definitely reduce cholesterol. It is good for everyone no matter the age or medical condition, excellent for those struggling with their weight. It is quite yummy, you will not regret using it.

1/2cup  melted non hydrogenated margarine
1/2cup brown sugar,
1cup fruit sauce,
1cup whole wheat flour
1/4tsp baking soda
1/2tspbaking powder
1cup quick cooking oats
1cup semisweet dark chocolate.

Mix the dry ingredients separately, and then mix the wet ones.add the two mixtures together,mix and add the chocolate.Using a teaspoon, add the barter to a greased pan 2 inches apart, bake at 350 degrees F for 8-10minutes or until golden brown.

Monday 24 September 2012

Whole Wheat Pancake

Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day, when you are a working mum, sometimes its usually hard to get everybody prepared for the day and still be able to give them a healthy breakfast that will contain the major nutrients required for a healthy growth. So I came up with this recipe to help me feed my family healthy. It is easy to make and does not take a lot of time too. Can be prepared and refrigerated and be used within one week.

1cup 1% partially skimmed milk
1cup Whole wheat flour
1/4tsp baking soda
1tspbaking powder
1/2tsp vanilla flavor
1/2tsp cinnamon
2 large eggs
2tbsp of brown sugar
1tbsp non-hydrogenated margarine

For topping:
1cup of mixed berries
1tsp sugar

Add all the ingredients and blend for 1- 2 minutes or until smooth. Grease a non stick skillet, pour about 1/4 cup of the mixture at a time, let bubbles form on top before flipping it over for the other side to fry.

For the topping, add the mixed berries to a clean bowl, sprinkle 1tsp of sugar on it to intensify the sweetness, cook in the microwave for about 1- 2 minutes, then serve. Hope you will enjoy it, cheers!

Sunday 23 September 2012

Sugar-free Mixed Fruits Sauce.

This is a very good substitute for sugar depending on what you are trying to make. It can be used as baby's food as well. No added sugar, water, preservatives or flavor, just fruits the way nature made it.

4 large apples
4 large pears
4 large plums
4 large peaches
4 very ripe bananas

When you buy the fruits make sure you buy the ones that are very ripe, or you can let them ripe or get softened by leaving them for some days on the kitchen table. Peel them and cut into cubes or as desired, put them in the freezer to freeze for about a day,this will help to squeeze the natural water they are made with. Defrost them in the pot you want to use to cook them, because you will need the water that will come out of them when they defrost to boil and blend them. Boil for about 20-25 minutes or until soft. Then, pour in the blender and blend until smooth or as you desire( you can as well use a clean bowl and masher instead of blender, but I prefer blender). Pour into a clean container and refrigerate or in ice cube tray and freeze. Use as desired.

Natural Mixed Fruits Sauce

Saturday 22 September 2012

Spagetti with groundbeef sauce

This is a very easy to prepare recipe, for either lunch or super. All you will need is,
Ingredients for the Sauce:
 2 cups lean ground beef'
1 medium sized onion chopped
1tbs vegetable oil
2tbs tomato paste
1tsp seasoning salt
1/4tsp thyme
1/2tsp curry
1 small size bouillon cube( optional)
1/8tsp hot Pepper(optional)
Ingredients for spaghetti:
Whole wheat spaghetti
1/4tsp of salt
broccoli and cauliflower(optional)
On a high heat saute the onion using the oil until it is golden brown, lower the heat to medium, then add the ground beef, mix the two together, so that the beef will not  turn lumpy on you.When the beef is completely broken up and light brown, add the tomato paste and mix it in properly. Go ahead and add the last five ingredients, allow to simmer for 5-10 minutes,turning from time to time to avoid burning. Last but not the least, you taste for salt, and the sauce is ready.
Cook the spaghetti according to the manufacturer's instruction, add the veggies just before the spaghetti is done,then serve.